Stephen's RPG Page
Welcome to Stephen's RPG Page

Due to several complaints about the spinning gremlin background it has been moved to the spinning gremlin page.
Click on the a spinning gremlin to see it.
Tunnels & Trolls

Homepage of Ken St. Andre
Monsters! Monsters! T & T game run by Ken St. Andre himself
(I'm Zig Niplem).
The Castle of Otranto Tunnels and Trolls Reference
A web ring of T&T Sites.

Dungeons and Dragons

Humanoids Game - I'm Grakk.
3rd Edition Stuff - Very interesting.
The AD&D Ring
Dark Ring
Ultimate Source
D & D links
Saman's Homepage - Great druid stuff & Links
Barrak's Domain
Here's some of my favorite characters:

Magic: The Gathering

Magic the Gathering - Wizards of The Coast - Official Site.
The Magic: The GatherinG Web Page Ring
Magic: the Gathering Webring
Hellkite's Magic Lair
Magic Suitcase - Keep track of all your magic cards.

Bluetroll's Netbooks
Trolls!!! - Content might be offensive to some. * * *
ROTA - Ring Of The Arcmagi
Bright Blades - Good site for RGP and swords

Some misc. sayings

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